Sunday, 28 January 2018


I'm not sure how the word gastro pub can ever bring about pleasant images of fine food... After my last 4 days I don't think I'd ever want to eat anywhere that says gastro pub fine food again..

I started the week feeling quite good having just had a down week, so I was ready to forge ahead for another 70 mile week, but come Wednesday that was all to suddenly change. I'd gone to work as normal and sometime during the day had developed a dull headache, but thought nothing of it, as this can sometimes happen when you're working hard.  However, on the way home in the car I said to JB I'm feeling a little chilled, but he said you'll be fine, just dress up warm for the run then we'll go out for something to eat or in other words "just get on with it".  Now, going out for something to eat normally cheers me up, so I got changed for the run with the thought of nice food and drink as a reward in my mind.  The run we planned was supposed to be 10 miles.  I couldn't believe how cold I was feeling as soon as I left the warm confines of the house.  I felt shocking and just shivered the whole slow plodding 3 miles that the run had eventually become. 

Okay, I thought it's just  a bit of a chill so have a shower and go out for some nice grub, forget the word gastro for now.  In the shower I couldn't stop shivering, even with hot water.  This couldn't be right I thought.  I must be coming down with the flu...Might as well go out for the meal then if I'm going to be ill and off my food.  I didn't enjoy my food and picked at it feeling quite nauseous, but a glass of red wine seemed to go down okay.

Thursday I went to work as normal and planned to run for a hour early evening.  I knew I wasn't right as the dull headache and chills continued at work and by the end of the day I'd developed abdominal pain.  Couldn't wait to leave work for the comfort of my home loo - say no more...  Although if you were to run with me on a long Sunday run I might give more details lol.  What is it with runners that on long runs one's bowel movements become part of normal conversation?

Needless to say no run happened Thursday and by Friday the gastro problem was full blown, no details to follow here either, but I'm sure the imagination can conjure up a picture, hence why the word gastro attached to fine food just will never ever do it for me again!

I've heard the words pain is temporary pride is forever on many occasions, but Saturday at parkrun the pain on warming up was not going to be temporary and there was no pride in wanting to dive in the nearest bush, so the decision to stand and watch JB run overthrew that silly saying.

So then it's Sunday and still this gasto issue continued.  Getting rather fed up with the sight of the toilet and smell of air freshener I yearned for the fresh air of the TPT. So the determined me once again put on running kit and trainers and set off with JB for a few miles, 3 to be precise.  What a silly decision as I clutched my... I bet you think I'm going to say butt cheeks... hahaha no I clutch my stomach as the gripes take hold.  Oh well 3 miles done and another trip to the toilet before curling up in agony was probably not worth the pain, but this is me and I'm not one for giving in easily.  Although, I'm admitting defeat now and just want the pain to disappear and allow me to feel myself again.  Let's hope this time next week I'll be blogging something less bogging related.

Total mileage this week 27.2

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